And be sure to use those beet greens! The stuff you cut off the top! Slice the stalks like celery and cut the leaves into strips, throw them into a pot with some salt and pepper, and let them braise in the naturally occurring juices for a bit. Tasty stuff, bunched up right on top of that stew. be sure to give yourself something to scoop all this up with as well--I made the easiest bread ever, roti, which makes the perfect little vehicle for getting anything from plate to mouth. It's an unleavened bread, just some whole wheat flour, salt and water, kneaded together, then slapped onto my hot cast iron skillet, flipped once, then once more. It magically puffs up, much like a tortilla, and works in much the same way. It's a quick way to have bread whenever you like, quickly, without a mess.
Meanwhile, given my freezer full of braisable things, I'll have then oven on, nice and low, all fall long. Which is a good thing when one's radiators don't seem to kick on until it's really cold--here's to hanging out around the stove more, with big wines and good smells!