I'm loving the challenge it's presenting me with as well. The day-of shopping for a dinner for seven people, the spontaneity of menu writing once said shopping is done, the introduction of new techniques to those wanting to learn them. The exposure to so many new people and seeing them meet for the first time. The witnessing of a small bit of community unfolding. And knowing that however crazy the city gets, with all the summer construction, traffic, heat, noise and so much else pushing us away from one another, we can still turn to a tiny oasis of serenity and connection at a table, over well-crafted food, to bring us back together.
I'd like to offer a sincere thank you to the support I've gotten in this venture so far. From it's conception with Kristen Jones, who also does the beautiful graphics work for me, to those close to me who have offered advice, ingredients and the occasional car to scoot around town picking up ingredients in, and, just as importantly, to those of you who have taken the chance of coming to a stranger's Salon, and contributing a bit of yourself to its success. The Food on the Dole Salon is still an infant, but here's to the love and support it's gotten thus far!